Sunsei SE-6000 Solar Panel Generator


The SE-6000 Sunsei solar 100-Watt 16.5-Volt charger is an ideal back-up power source for cabins, RVs and boats. Sunsei+SE-6000+Solar+Panel+Generator.jpgThis powerful, weatherproof solar panel provides reliable, renewable energy as an alternative to noisy and expensive diesel, propane and gas generators. It provides power all year round when exposed to daylight. The solar panel charges multiple batteries at once and is designed to work with your vehicle or cabin's electrical system. It includes an integrated blinking indicator to display charging status, as well as a "Plug-n-Play" feature, which allows connection of multiple panels in seconds without tools or rewiring; connector wires and mounting hardware are also included. This solar panel requires a charge controller (Sunsei model No.CC10000, CC25000 or CC2000D) which is sold separately. It is covered by a 20-year warranty.

Sunsei SE-6000 Solar Panel Generator is available in here.

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